Here's the text from a "topical" sermon by Greg that was to be 10-12 minutes long and the topic chosen was Ascension day.
Opening Collect from BCP, 226
O Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended
far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us
faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his
Church, even to the end of the ages; through Jesus Christ, who with you
and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen
Moving... in my 29 years, I've had the begrudging joy of moving 25
times. There's packing to be done, forwarding addresses, setting up some
system of hauling your stuff to a new place (which hopefully you have
already established as your destination), and with all the annoyances,
my all-time least favorite part of moving was always saying Goodbye.
Goodbye to the friends I have made and the people who have impacted my
life; Goodbye to the places I've grown accustomed to and come to rely
on; Goodbye to schools and routines of life that offered some kind of
consistency in our obviously tumultuous life. Goodbye everything I've
known and Hello abandonment
At the Ascension of Jesus, he says goodbye, too. But instead of the
heartache of goodbye, we may never meet again and your whole life is
being uprooted and everything is changing for the unknown... We (and the
disciples) thought we'd lost Jesus once, we said goodbye the day that
he was crucified and buried, only to have our faith and hope and love
renewed by his glorious resurrection! but now he's saying goodbye again.
Jesus says, I go to prepare a place for you, and I am coming quickly.
We are never forsaken nor abandoned. But why does he have to Ascend?
Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be talking about the
Ascension and Session of Jesus, but today, focussing on the Gospel
Reading, we are going to focus on the WHY of the Ascension, Why did
Jesus have to go"?
Jesus Ascends to the Father in order to
Bring our real humanity into communion with the Trinity
Commission His Body to the ministry of proclamation, and
Dispatch the Holy spirit to empower and give life
Post-Resurrection, Jesus is revealing himself to people left and
right. The disciples are gathered in a closed room talking about his
latest revelation on the road to Emmaus through the breaking of the
bread and by how their hearts burned within them as he open the
Scriptures to them.
All of sudden, Jesus appears! Out of nowhere (ex nihilo?) and says,
"Peace to you!" Naturally, they respond, "And also with you", right? No
way... where there should have been a, "And with thy Spirit", there is a
frightened, "Ah!! A Spirit!!"
They immediately doubt the real humanity of Christ and Jesus takes
great pains to belabour the fact that he is still very human - appealing
to their senses "See my hands and my feet...touch me, and see. A spirit
does not have flesh and bones as I do. Have you anything to eat?" Why is it so important to Jesus to proove his real humanity?
Because Jesus Ascends to the Father in order to Bring our real humanity into communion with the Trinity
Jesus, bearing our real humanity is our Mediator.
1Tim2:5, "There is one mediator between God and man, the MAN Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all"
Barth (Dogmatics in Outline, ch 18) "Christ is where God is
and as bearer of our humanity is our Representative in the place where
God is, and in the way in which God is"
The death and resurrection of Jesus secures our salvation and it s
through the Ascension that we are united to the One, True, and Living
God by the real humanity of Jesus. Gregory of Nazianzus summarizes this point well (On Apolonarianism), "That which has not been assumed has not been healed, but that which is united to the Godhead is saved"
Our Hope and confidence in the finished work of Christ is grounded in
the reality that he ascended to the Father in order to bring our real
humanity into communion with the Trinity. We are the branches of the
Vine of Christ because he bears our real humanity to the Father in the
Jesus Ascends to the Father in order to Commission His Body to the ministry of proclamation
Luke 24:44-48
Prior to his ascension, when it seems as
though he's saying goodbye, just as Jesus is sure to remind his
disciples of the reality of his humanity, He makes sure to remind them
of the gospel message they are to proclaim once He is seemingly gone.
That all the Law, Prophets, Writings, and all of Scripture speaks of the
story of Jesus Himself, "That the Christ should suffer and on the third
day rise from the dead. And that repentance and forgiveness of sins
should be all nations... you are WITNESSES of these
things" You have received the story of the salvation of your souls...
you have been healed and sin has been dealt with and you are
commissioned to tell this story to the whole world.
This ministry of proclamation, which began in Eden and continued
through Moses and the Prophets and John the Baptist, and the disciples
doesn't cease when Jesus goes to bring our humanity into the community
of the Trinity. No, Jesus Ascends to the Father in order to commission
his Body to continue that ministry - He goes away to build the Church.
Eph 4:10-12, he ascended far above all the heavens that he
might fill all things...and he gave apostles, prophets, teachers,
seminarians... to equip the saints for the work of ministry and for the
building up and maturation of the Body.
We are given a task because Jesus Ascends to the Father, though Jesus
says, I go, you are now my witnesses, Go make disciples of all
nations... He also says, I will ask the Father and we will send you
another helper who is with you and dwells in you... we are also given
the power to do his commandments because
Jesus Ascends to the Father in order to Dispatch the Holy Spirit to empower and give life
In the Ascension, Jesus Brings our real humanity into communion with
the Trinity and Commissions us to the ministry of proclamation and then
He says
Luke 24:49, Behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you..stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high..."
Jesus doesn't say goodbye that we may be separated from Him, no we
are closer than ever before by the Holy Spirit who fills us. We are not
left alone because Jesus has moved...because just as he mediates our
humanity to the Father, He also mediates the divinity of God to His
commissioned Body by clothing us in the Holy Spirit
Athanasius said, "[Jesus] became as we are, that we might become as
he is" We are empowered by the Holy Spirit, not only to proclaim
repentance and forgiveness of sins in word, but in our very being, as
united to the gracious, omnipotent God who descended to become Incarnate
and Ascend again so that we who by faith know and love and serve him
may have real hope and faith and live in true love by the indwell of the
Holy Spirit!!
Jesus opens up the lines of communication between God and humanity by
bearing BOTH in Himself and mediating each to each by his Ascension. He
goes away, but he goes to prepare a place for us and
Ascends to the Father in order to
Bring our real humanity into communion with the Trinity
Commission His Body to the ministry of proclamation, and
Dispatch the Holy spirit to empower and give life
Monday, December 12, 2011
Homiletix II
status viatoris
So, we thought you all might enjoy some of our sermons from this year of multiple sermonizings.
Click the link below to hear Noel's sermon on the Feast Day of Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis, November 22nd. If you so desire, the reading that the sermon is based on is 1 Peter 1:3-9, read it if you want to follow along a little better. :) Enjoy!
Living Hope
Click the link below to hear Noel's sermon on the Feast Day of Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis, November 22nd. If you so desire, the reading that the sermon is based on is 1 Peter 1:3-9, read it if you want to follow along a little better. :) Enjoy!
Living Hope
Spiritual disciplines,
status viatoris,
Till We Have Faces
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Goodbye, Summer
As our pensieve i.e. memory-holder, we figured it would be good to leave a tribute to some of our summer activities (except our brief stint on dog-sitting).
Earlier this summer, a fellow seminarian friend of ours, who also makes his own chain mail (sweet!) approached a few of us to see if we'd like to play Dungeons and Dragons. None of our original crew had ever played but we all love the exercise of imagination, dragons and communal activities. So, we embarked on a little adventure together to find 2 adult children of a local barmaven who joined an adventuring party but never came back. Noel adventures as a dwarf cleric healer and protector who throws a mean waraxe and Greg as an edifying, mischievous gnome bard who holds in his lyre the courage and morale of the whole group. Here's some shots of us battling a bugbear (an annoyingly powerful goblinoid who also turned out to be a chef...who made excellent adventurer soup)!
And these are Noel's pretty dice! Oo-oo! Aa-ah!
We actually did not get to go into Pittsburgh quite as much as we had hoped and didn't get to go to any of the movies in the park nights or anything, but we had fun anyway. But, we did purchase a Groupon (if you don't know about it, you should!!! for a place called the ToonSeum, as the genius name suggests it is a cartooning museum. And over the summer, they had an exhibit of superhero comics. So, we thought we'd check it out. We talked to a couple of the artists who work there and ironically, this exhibit had been scheduled long before the third Batman movie was scheduled to film in Pittsburgh but how great for their marketing that it ended up that way!
And then we got some peaks at the new Gotham City! (Check out the license plate)
Camouflaged batmobiles!
Gotham Cathedral?!
Noel worked here all summer and though parts of it were hard,all worth it.
Yes, that is a nuclear power plant in the background, ah, the scenery! :)
Yes, that is a nuclear power plant in the background, ah, the scenery! :)
And a quick jot to San Antonio to spend some time with the familia, especially this little (though not so little anymore) guy!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Fun & Funding (not mutually exclusive!)
So in our mad efforts to make the most of our summer
financial opportunities since wrapping up J-term classes, we spent a couple weeks
mid-July dogsitting in the town ten minutes up the river. It’s a good thing
that Noel already knows this dog up close and personally from my
acquaintance with his family, because he’s named Mozart, which might have led me to expect a dog that weighed less than my husband. It would have taken a
name like Wagner or Tchaikovsky to start giving me a sense of the ginormity of
this dog. As it was, we fortunately knew ahead of time that Moe is a hefty guy.
His tongue is as long as my arm and runs like a faucet, and he overheats pretty
quickly, so much of our quality time was confined to the kitchen where the
drool puddles could be easily mopped up. He’s been trained to keep his, um,
messes, in one small part of the yard, a worthwhile investment of training time
and expense, for sure. Indeed, he’s been well-trained overall and can’t help
that his front and his back don’t always coordinate.
This picture does not do Mozart's magnitude justice. |
Our other work time is spent barista-ing at Starbucks and lifeguarding
at the YMCA outdoor pool (under the cloud of the nuclear power plant!). (Noel is now known throughout western PA for her water-treading skills, an event she won at the YMCA lifeguarding competition - woooo, that's my wife! -G.) Even
though we’re working a lot, we get some fun in the neighborhood with our peeps here and there:
Scott plays tennis. Which means he plays badminton too. Look out, Greg! |
Our agent has asked us to make an appearance via Skype in the Chicagoland area on Wednesday, August 31 at 7 pm in Wheaton. Thanks to those of you setting this prayer time up as we launch into Year 2. If you want more info on that gathering, email us.
Bullwinkle J Moose,
come pray,
Harry Potter,
Thursday, June 9, 2011
We Made It!
I think we've both been waiting for some really exciting things to happen to us so that people might want to read our blog. And here we are...2 months later :) And on the one hand, yes, we survived our first year of seminary! Thank you, thank you! And yet, it is a month beginning with the letter "J" and when it is one of these "J" months, we have what is called fittingly called, "J-Term". In order to stay on track with a three-year program (and if we don't, then well...we'll be here for-e-ver [think Sandlot]), we must take 5 classes per semester. In order to accomplish this and stay sane...and by sane, I mean gainfully employed, sanitary and fed, we usually take a "J Term".
This "J Term", Noel is taking Hebrew Exegesis which is a fancy way of saying translating several passages of the Old Testament, the whole book of Jonah, learning more syntax than she ever wanted to know and getting all sorts of fodder for hip sermons on the OT. It's fun! She thought she wasn't going to be able to venture on this little project with the same professor and teacher whom she previously ventured through Hebrew II with, but God aligned things marvelously (as He's wont to do) and so there she is. Every morning for two weeks, you can find her studying Hebrew or chatting nonchalantly with her Hebrew buddy, Ben. The prof told us not to sit by each other, but secretly I think we're his favorites :) Lift up Noel that her memory may prove vast and capable in the area of Hebrew and that it would stick and that God's Truth would be deepened in her gut as a result of her study of the Old Testament in Hebrew. (She's thankful for already learning some interesting tidbits!)
"J Term" holds Evangelism and Church Planting for Greg. He has been reading a few books in order to prepare book reports due prior to his class which starts next Monday. None of these books, as of yet, have been all that great and would probably appear mundane and uninsightful to most of you, so we will not recommend them here. We are both hoping for his sake that the reading material improves and becomes less formulaic (and for Noel, too, because she has to take it sometime in the next year). A good book on evangelism and church planting is hard to find, so it seems. Chatting with a friend the other night, we thought that perhaps this class needs some good missional church, how-to-church-plant-and-be-missional kinds of books. Ironically, we are feeling quite a lack in the "How To" area in most of our classes. Like, where there's a will and a theology, there must be a way, right??? Well, we believe so...or else what kind of theology is it, really? Anyway, that's a different soap box for a different day. If any of you have any suggestions on good church planting or missional church books, please let us know!
And pray for Greg as he is in class all day every day next week that he would learn what it is that God has for him.
When not in "J Terms" ie most of the summer, we can be found at our various jobs. Greg is still at Starbucks, though he was just relocated...AGAIN. But, it's all good. He's at a slow, giant cafe store now that is a great hang out and lets him engage with customers as he likes to do (which Noel doesn't understand at all :) ).
Noel is a manager at an outdoor pool in Midland, about 35 minutes northwest of where they live. Thus far it's been both a challenge and fun. Last week, she had a good conversation with Grandpa Jim, as she calls him, about the woes of western PA and the seeming epidemic of very young moms (and dads). More on that later, but it's people like Jim that make Noel's days out in the sun, yelling at kids and saving lives all worth it....well, that and the wicked tan she's getting! Just kidding, pray that the both of us would live the joy of the Lord at work and would be lights in dark places.
Thanks for reading, Pfiles. We regret that we will not be traveling anywhere much this summer and so will not get to see many of you. But, please do come see us if you're over our way! And let us know if we can be lifting you up as well. We wouldn't have made it through our 1000th day of marriage and our first year of seminary without your love and' real, we mean that.
This "J Term", Noel is taking Hebrew Exegesis which is a fancy way of saying translating several passages of the Old Testament, the whole book of Jonah, learning more syntax than she ever wanted to know and getting all sorts of fodder for hip sermons on the OT. It's fun! She thought she wasn't going to be able to venture on this little project with the same professor and teacher whom she previously ventured through Hebrew II with, but God aligned things marvelously (as He's wont to do) and so there she is. Every morning for two weeks, you can find her studying Hebrew or chatting nonchalantly with her Hebrew buddy, Ben. The prof told us not to sit by each other, but secretly I think we're his favorites :) Lift up Noel that her memory may prove vast and capable in the area of Hebrew and that it would stick and that God's Truth would be deepened in her gut as a result of her study of the Old Testament in Hebrew. (She's thankful for already learning some interesting tidbits!)
"J Term" holds Evangelism and Church Planting for Greg. He has been reading a few books in order to prepare book reports due prior to his class which starts next Monday. None of these books, as of yet, have been all that great and would probably appear mundane and uninsightful to most of you, so we will not recommend them here. We are both hoping for his sake that the reading material improves and becomes less formulaic (and for Noel, too, because she has to take it sometime in the next year). A good book on evangelism and church planting is hard to find, so it seems. Chatting with a friend the other night, we thought that perhaps this class needs some good missional church, how-to-church-plant-and-be-missional kinds of books. Ironically, we are feeling quite a lack in the "How To" area in most of our classes. Like, where there's a will and a theology, there must be a way, right??? Well, we believe so...or else what kind of theology is it, really? Anyway, that's a different soap box for a different day. If any of you have any suggestions on good church planting or missional church books, please let us know!
And pray for Greg as he is in class all day every day next week that he would learn what it is that God has for him.
When not in "J Terms" ie most of the summer, we can be found at our various jobs. Greg is still at Starbucks, though he was just relocated...AGAIN. But, it's all good. He's at a slow, giant cafe store now that is a great hang out and lets him engage with customers as he likes to do (which Noel doesn't understand at all :) ).
Noel is a manager at an outdoor pool in Midland, about 35 minutes northwest of where they live. Thus far it's been both a challenge and fun. Last week, she had a good conversation with Grandpa Jim, as she calls him, about the woes of western PA and the seeming epidemic of very young moms (and dads). More on that later, but it's people like Jim that make Noel's days out in the sun, yelling at kids and saving lives all worth it....well, that and the wicked tan she's getting! Just kidding, pray that the both of us would live the joy of the Lord at work and would be lights in dark places.
Thanks for reading, Pfiles. We regret that we will not be traveling anywhere much this summer and so will not get to see many of you. But, please do come see us if you're over our way! And let us know if we can be lifting you up as well. We wouldn't have made it through our 1000th day of marriage and our first year of seminary without your love and' real, we mean that.
Monday, April 18, 2011
March Madness!
Sorry if that just manipulated you into looking at this post! It's not so much about basketball as it is some of our meanderings during Reading Week where we were able to visit some of the folks in Chi-town. We were bummed not to get to see all of you but we hope to be able to visit again soon and to pick up with some of you whom we were unable to see! We miss the area where we spent so much of our lives. But I'm glad that we are still going back and we pray we will continue to get to do so.
Maybe you don't all want see photos of yourselves but it is our pensieve (please see Harry Potter references if you are looking at this dumbfoundedly or just take our nerdy words for it) as well and we cherish these memories and want to be able to withdraw the watery, ethereal substance of anamnesis into the forefronts of our reflections, so here we go:
Maybe you don't all want see photos of yourselves but it is our pensieve (please see Harry Potter references if you are looking at this dumbfoundedly or just take our nerdy words for it) as well and we cherish these memories and want to be able to withdraw the watery, ethereal substance of anamnesis into the forefronts of our reflections, so here we go:
anticipating a good SAGA run! |
Best College Salad Bar in the U.S. 8 years and counting! |
SAGA group date! |
Amigos Locos, more like it... |
The LOVE!!!!! |
Worst...and yet best celebration of Pi Day ever |
Dinner with our hospitable hosts! We miss you all dearly. Except Scott, we see him all the time. |
Because there must always be a goofy portrait to accompany a serious one. It is pointed out that Noel's presence is represented here by the Guinness bottle. |
road trip
A Palm Sunday blessing
Look! Our names are appearing in our Church bulletin as real seminarians! Woo hoo! We are so thankful for this church that we are a part of...yesterday was truly a beautiful Palm Sunday and they are a church who loves God and sees Him at work all the time and choose to be thankful and pray for all of His body.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Happy Shriving!
Noel wrote this blog many years ago (remember when we all had Xanga's?) to first introduce a lot of her Resurrection friends to an old tradition of Pancake Suppering for Shrove Tuesday. This year, we are not responsible for creating our own familial occasion but rather will be fellowshiping with the others at our church over pancakes. Woohoo! Most of you now probably know about this tradition now, but I thought it'd be funny to review something written ages ago....
"ok, so I am going to introduce you all to the Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) pancake supper tradition of the Catholic and Anglican (and probably other) churches as well, I'm sure but hey, that's what I know. I was shocked and dismayed to find out that hardly
any of you had heard of, let alone participated in one such tradition...all you non and new anglicans out there!
As we all know, today is the day before Ash Wednesday and the inauguration of Lent. We all usually give up something for Lent...often foods or the have countless number of saints before us. And back in the day, Christians would give up eating things fatty, eggs and dairy stuff, but in order to not be wasteful (yay for stewardship) they would eat all of the things that would go bad in the forty days of Lent on tuesday night. And it just so happens that pancakes are comprised of these aformentioned ingredients the Christians were giving up for Lent. Thus,
the pancake supper tradition and while some have taken this to absurd extremes-races,
olympics, even changing it to an enchilada dinner in a church in New Mexico, etc...
Consequently, Mardi Gras comes from this eating all the fat business, getting it's
name "Fat Tuesday".
Etymology lesson of the day: "shrove" comes
from the old christian practice of "shriving" which literally means "taking
off". And it was marked as a day of confession before entering Lent as well
as of feasting before entering this penitent season.
For you Church History buffs out there, here's a link to some interesting legends on traditions of pancake suppering:
And here's a prayer from our Eastern Orthodox siblings for this day of shriving. We'll be praying this for you all and ask that you pray for us as well that the Lord will show us the cruciform way through which He transforms us into His likeness this Lent:
"ok, so I am going to introduce you all to the Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) pancake supper tradition of the Catholic and Anglican (and probably other) churches as well, I'm sure but hey, that's what I know. I was shocked and dismayed to find out that hardly
any of you had heard of, let alone participated in one such tradition...all you non and new anglicans out there!
As we all know, today is the day before Ash Wednesday and the inauguration of Lent. We all usually give up something for Lent...often foods or the have countless number of saints before us. And back in the day, Christians would give up eating things fatty, eggs and dairy stuff, but in order to not be wasteful (yay for stewardship) they would eat all of the things that would go bad in the forty days of Lent on tuesday night. And it just so happens that pancakes are comprised of these aformentioned ingredients the Christians were giving up for Lent. Thus,
the pancake supper tradition and while some have taken this to absurd extremes-races,
olympics, even changing it to an enchilada dinner in a church in New Mexico, etc...
Consequently, Mardi Gras comes from this eating all the fat business, getting it's
name "Fat Tuesday".
Etymology lesson of the day: "shrove" comes
from the old christian practice of "shriving" which literally means "taking
off". And it was marked as a day of confession before entering Lent as well
as of feasting before entering this penitent season.
For you Church History buffs out there, here's a link to some interesting legends on traditions of pancake suppering:
And here's a prayer from our Eastern Orthodox siblings for this day of shriving. We'll be praying this for you all and ask that you pray for us as well that the Lord will show us the cruciform way through which He transforms us into His likeness this Lent:
dear Saviour who is Love, fill me with Your love that embraces and holds not back,
that accepts and not condemns, that forgives and not retaliates, that stretches out and not stagnates.
that accepts and not condemns, that forgives and not retaliates, that stretches out and not stagnates.
this Lent a positive time, a growing time but also a reflective time to
see myself as You see me.
It is only when my soul is stripped and naked that I can begin once again. Help me to shed all my wrappings this Lent so that I may stand before You as You know me. Amen and Amen.
It is only when my soul is stripped and naked that I can begin once again. Help me to shed all my wrappings this Lent so that I may stand before You as You know me. Amen and Amen.
Spiritual disciplines
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pfile Phileo
So, this is like 2 weeks overdue but we have a Valentine's Day shout out to make for the love that was shown to us from some Chicagolanders. Once upon a February, a decently young lady ventured to stick her head out the door of her warm-ish Pittsburgh abode for the sheer thrill of checking the mail...truly a bright spot in the often grey and freezing weather but the screen door was stuck shut. Hmm...what's a girl to do? Look down, of course! And lo, and behold:
A Box o' Love!
Love in the form of...
Microfiber Towels
...and fruit roll-ups and chocolates
and gift cards to our favorite places!!!
and redemptive coffee
We apologize that the above yumminess...yummy as in awesome chocolate chip cookies did not make it to the photo shoot and were consumed within a matter of days after the box was opened.
Fear not, they were consumed with love :)
Fear not, they were consumed with love :)
Here's some of the fun we've had so far with the Valentine's treats! ;)
Thanks for the LOVE.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
where you'll find us
So, we're now into our third week of classes or so and we thought you might like to know about our classes for this semester. Classes do occupy about oh, let's see 75% of our time and about 98% of our mental energy (the rest given to things like studying Whedon's "Firefly" and how to get to the next age in Myst III). But, we're having a good time and though this semester is much more of a doozie than last semester, we have a lot of fun things we're learning, researching and writing on.
Plus, we thought in case anyone calls or wants to get in touch with us, you can see where we're at and why we're not answering! Though, this of course, does not include sleeping, working, etc. We also have morning and evening prayer and are required to attend the one prior or after if we are on campus for class. It's great. Noel just officiated for the first time last week and did well, she even found a cassock about the right length and she didn't trip once!
Plus, we thought in case anyone calls or wants to get in touch with us, you can see where we're at and why we're not answering! Though, this of course, does not include sleeping, working, etc. We also have morning and evening prayer and are required to attend the one prior or after if we are on campus for class. It's great. Noel just officiated for the first time last week and did well, she even found a cassock about the right length and she didn't trip once!
Greg's days
Monday morning: Pastoral Leadership -pastoral care and servant leadership
Monday morning: Pastoral Leadership -pastoral care and servant leadership
*he almost always works from 2-10:30 pm on this day
Tuesday afternoon: Christian Ethics - all things methodological and Biblical re: Ethics and morality
Thursday morning: Medieval and Reformation Church History (lovingly dubbed "Mr. Church") - fabulous class on the church both on "the continent" and in Britain from about 500-1650ish
Thursday afternoon: The Gospels - that is, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Noel's days
Monday evening: Hebrew - learning Hebrew, quiz every week, learn at least 10 new words per class, very difficult
Tuesday afternoon: Christian Ethics - Read Hays "Moral Vision of the NT", it's great
Thursday morning: MR. Church
Thursday afternoon: The Gospels - learning the whole book of John for a final exam? priceless.
Hope your days go well also. Greg works at least 3 8-hr shifts a week, some combo of M-W-F-Sat/Sun. Noel is doing odd jobs as they are presented to her. Please pray for Greg as he is sleeping (at noon) while I publish this blog as he now has the cold that I had last week and is quite under the weather. Thanks, dear 'pfiles!
Spiritual disciplines,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
just another Superbowl Sunday
That's right, we're stickin' to our guns on this one. Well, sort of...I guess we'll mostly be watching for the commercials but this was how happy we were two weeks ago when the Bears still had a shot.
This is dedicated especially to all of you with whom we had our regular Bears game small group fellowship ;)
We miss you and wish we could be with you and at least criticize the commercials and laugh at Clay Matthews' hair and watch Benny R eat turf over and over. And please pray for us because well, Pittsburgh is not joking about being "Steelers nation".
This is a direct quote from church this morning (where everyone was decked out in their finest black and yellow):
"Alleluia, let us go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Spirit.
Thanks be to God. Alleluia. Go Steelers!"
Thanks be to God. Alleluia. Go Steelers!"
May the Lord be with all of us who loathe the Steelers but are stuck here in Purgatory, every one.
flag football,
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
2010 in a nutshell
She's not faking that smile, Pfiles! Snuggie is a pfreezing grad's student's best friend |
"The cave is collapsing! This is no cave." |
Highly Recommended reading for the living and undead alike |
DahnTahn Picksberg |
Monday, January 24, 2011
some more incomplete works
On a personal note: Noel dedicates this "essay", an assignment for Early Church History, to write an article, as for a church newsletter, on the practical implications of the doctrine of the Trinity, to the good people of Holy Trinity Anglican in San Antonio, TX (not least of which to her parents who dubbed it thusly). Thank you for worshiping God as He reveals Himself; as the loving Trinity. Noel is very excited to worship with you one day soon.
Greetings, church! As we approach Holy
Trinity Sunday, let us imagine together our ordinary days profoundly
lived in the light of the One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit whom
we worship. What do you imgine when I say that? Do you think of an
apple? Water? A flame? While these analogies can be helpful in
certain matters, what I want to address here will glean little help
from them lest, as Gregory of Nazianzus says, “we be
frenzy-stricken for prying into the mysteries of God” (Guy, 280).
So, let us proceed in humility. Because we take God at His word that
He has revealed Himself as Trinity that this should have an impact on
our daily lives. But, perhaps, we might ask, I know we affirm, pray
and worship the Trinitarian God on Sunday morning and in morning and
evening prayer, but I’m still fuzzy on the details, can you fill
them in? I hope St. Augustine might be of some help to us on this.
He says,
“has redeemed us through His own blood, giving His soul for our souls,
His flesh for our flesh, and has also poured out the Spirit of the Father
for the union and communion of God and humanity, imparting indeed
God to human beings by the Spirit, and on the other hand, attaching
humanity to God by His incarnation, and bestowing upon us at His
coming immortality durably and truly, by means of communion with God.”
This is a good synopsis of God’s
working out of our salvation in the life, death and resurrection of
Jesus as well as through the indwelling of the Spirit. What do we
see that can help us in our daily living? How does this effect how I
go to work tomorrow or hang out with my kids tonight?
Well, first of all, we can trust in
the mediation of Christ that Augustine spoke of, both His mediation
of Himself to us and of our humanity into the life of God. Isn’t
that amazing? That sends shivers down my spine to think that God did
that! We receive this mediation through the Spirit, moment by
moment. And friends, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
freedom! 2 Corinthians 3 goes on to say that in this freedom, we
reflect the Lord’s glory and are being transformed into Christ’s
likeness by the Holy Spirit. And He is with us always as Christians.
So, engage Him at all times of day with confidence, ask Him to join
you to Christ’s likeness and to live into those good works He has
for you. Ask Him to help you really love and care for Jim in the
cubicle next to you whom you are sure has a fingernail growth
condition for as often as you hear his clippers being used! Be
assured that the triune God is working in your workplace, at your
home, in your grocery store, at the post office and He invites you to
participate with Him as a minister of reconciliation in the world.
So, repent for those times you have been unwilling to participate and
ask Him to help you understand Him more and to help you be more like
Another means of practicing our
Trinitarian faith is through remembrance. Friends, we as Anglicans,
stand in a long tradition of those who have chosen to remember and
celebrate God’s events in history. You might notice that much of
our liturgy involves this recollection with gratitude, nowhere noted
more than in the Great Thanksgiving, Eucharist. By remembering the
salvation trajectory, we can know Father, Son and Holy Spirit for
willing together to sustain the creation even after sin entered, for
destroying the power of sin and death, and restoring us to new life
in communion with God, as Augustine said. In all things, thank God
for the ways in which He does these things in your life now, recall
them with others, use them to tell others the Good News. Even ask
the Spirit to help bring these things to mind as part of practicing
this Trinitarian way of living.
Last but certainly not least is that
our Trinitarian God is within Himself love and relationship. The
source of all our love, ability and yearning to relate is in Him. He
is known in relationship and it is for life in Him that we are saved.
When Jesus prays, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them
and you in me that they may become perfectly one, so that the world
may know you sent me and loved them even as you loved me,” He is
not just saying something nice and comforting. He is expressing the
reality that the triune God desires for us, that the Church be
Christ’s body, one with Him and the Father. After Jesus ascends,
He sends the Spirit of Truth to work in those whom He loves the
reality of unity that is the same unity between the Father and the
Son. How do we know this? Because the Spirit is also one with the
Father and Son as God! So, we are, in a profoundly real way, being
bound together in love as members of Christ’s body, the same love
that is found in the Trinitarian God of the Universe. So, love in
freedom! Practice our Trinitarian faith with risky love through
hospitality, gift-giving, gift-receiving, prayer for one another,
asking the Spirit to help you see others needs and a way to help,
carrying others burdens, befriending the lonely, and all of those
things that Jesus did in the Gospels in the power of the Spirit. We
are living into our call as the royal priesthood when we welcome
others into loving relationship just as we were welcomed into the
loving relationship of the Triune God by the mediation of Christ
worked out in us by the Spirit.
We will explore more of these themes
and perhaps imagine a few more as we explore the vastness of the
doctrine of the Trinity in our Christian Ed series beginning in
Pentecost. All of this here has been just a tantalizing morsel of
what is to come and at the least you’ll learn some new cool words
to impress friends and family! We will meet together in the hope that
“we, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together
with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is
the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses
knowledge—that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness
of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
early church,
Spiritual disciplines
Saturday, January 8, 2011
some Noel works
Noel Collins Pfeifer, Reviewer
Making Room: Recovering the
tradition of Christian Hospitality
by Christine Pohl
by Christine Pohl
Pohl begins with a
historical excavation into the ancient Christian tradition of
hospitality and finds it to be a quintessential part of the Church’s
identity. The material is well-researched and well-presented. She
gleans strength from her treatment of Scripture, tradition, reasoning
a plausible re-shaping of it in contemporary culture and being shaped
by the experience of historical and present day hospitality
ministers. Pohl writes of hospitality as a deeply Biblical practice
that God even forged into the Covenant with Israel through their
“identity as aliens and related responsibility to sojourners and
strangers.” (27) They even saw it as a place of sacramental
meeting with God. Pohl is also critical of many aspects of today’s
particularly Western context that have and may continue to impede
hospitable churches and homes. These include fear, busyness, loss of
a sense of Church as family and the valuing of individualism.
However, Pohl has not lost hope and continues to explore the
possibility of reconstituting hospitable attitudes and practice with
the help of God and the wisdom of those who have previously taken up
the mantle. No conversation on hospitality would be complete without
defining “stranger”, the art of welcoming, the dignity of
persons, the power of recognition, communal meals, multiple Church or
family co-operation, and the importance of laughter. She also
outlines many of the challenges inherent to this ministry and those
nitty, gritty, honest fears and questions that may very well keep
people from ever even attempting hospitality. Pohl does not pull
punches or minimize the loss of this hallmarking tradition, but it is
clear that she believes in an educational-conversational approach
rather than simply making Christians feel guilty about it. She
speaks as a prophet in, for and to the Church. Overall, it is a
vastly helpful book for those who recognize that our society is truly
yearning for belonging, and that the Church is in a unique position
to offer genuine belonging and love through open hearts and open
doors. It is a highly accessible read, enabling to the hospitable of
heart and exhortative to those who are not gifted but consider
hospitality a valuable tradition to be resuscitated in the Church.
For further practical help, she includes some brief information from
existing hospitality ministries worldwide and an extensive
bibliography. Making Room is an important asset to this
Biblical discipline’s rediscovery and incorporation, which Pohl
would say, and I would agree, is paramount to the proclamation of the
Gospel and the symbol of our eschatological hope of feasting together
at the wedding banquet of the Lamb.
lex orandi/credendi,
status viatoris
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