As our pensieve i.e. memory-holder, we figured it would be good to leave a tribute to some of our summer activities (except our brief stint on dog-sitting).
Earlier this summer, a fellow seminarian friend of ours, who also makes his own chain mail (sweet!) approached a few of us to see if we'd like to play Dungeons and Dragons. None of our original crew had ever played but we all love the exercise of imagination, dragons and communal activities. So, we embarked on a little adventure together to find 2 adult children of a local barmaven who joined an adventuring party but never came back. Noel adventures as a dwarf cleric healer and protector who throws a mean waraxe and Greg as an edifying, mischievous gnome bard who holds in his lyre the courage and morale of the whole group. Here's some shots of us battling a bugbear (an annoyingly powerful goblinoid who also turned out to be a chef...who made excellent adventurer soup)!
And these are Noel's pretty dice! Oo-oo! Aa-ah!
We actually did not get to go into Pittsburgh quite as much as we had hoped and didn't get to go to any of the movies in the park nights or anything, but we had fun anyway. But, we did purchase a Groupon (if you don't know about it, you should!!! for a place called the ToonSeum, as the genius name suggests it is a cartooning museum. And over the summer, they had an exhibit of superhero comics. So, we thought we'd check it out. We talked to a couple of the artists who work there and ironically, this exhibit had been scheduled long before the third Batman movie was scheduled to film in Pittsburgh but how great for their marketing that it ended up that way!
And then we got some peaks at the new Gotham City! (Check out the license plate)
Camouflaged batmobiles!
Gotham Cathedral?!
Noel worked here all summer and though parts of it were hard,all worth it.
Yes, that is a nuclear power plant in the background, ah, the scenery! :)
Yes, that is a nuclear power plant in the background, ah, the scenery! :)
And a quick jot to San Antonio to spend some time with the familia, especially this little (though not so little anymore) guy!